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Public Facing Services Policy

Acceptable Use

This policy is valid from May 25th, 2018.

1. Scope

This Public Facing Services Policy (“Policy”) applies to Customers’ use of all Products and services offered by SuperOffice (“SuperOffice”) whether used as an Online service (“Online”) or as software installed on customer controlled servers (“Onsite”).

2. Processing of Personal Data

Customer’s processing of Personal Data must be conducted in compliance with applicable data protection legislation. When the Customer is a legal entity established in the European Economic Area (the "EEA") relevant data protection legislation will include local data protection legislation and the present EU- Regulation 2016/679 dated April 27th, 2016. Both SuperOffice and Customer agree to amend this Policy to the extent necessary due to any mandatory new requirements following from the EU Regulation 2016/679 and the revised Electronic Communications Regulation (“ePrivacy”) pursuant to its local implementation.

Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, as further defined in applicable law and EU- Regulation 2016/679

Processing” of Personal Data mean any use, operation or set of operations which is performed upon personal data, whether or not by automatic means, such as collection, transfer, storage, alteration, disclosure as further defined in applicable law and EU- Regulation 2016/679

3. Violations

A violation of this Policy will be considered a breach of the CRM Online Master Subscription Agreement (MSA) and/or other agreements governing the customer’s use of the services both Online and Onsite.

4. Prohibited Material

Customers may not use any SuperOffice service, or allow any third party service, to display, store, process or transmit:

  • Material that infringes a third party's intellectual property or proprietary rights
  • Discrimination, hate-related or violent material
  • Obscene, excessively profane material or otherwise objectionable material
  • Material advocating or advancing criminal hacking, cracking, or phishing
  • Material related to illegal drugs or paraphernalia
  • Malicious code, such as viruses, worms, time bombs, Trojan horses and other harmful or malicious files, scripts, agents or programs
  • Material that violates any applicable laws or any third-party rights, including publicity or privacy rights

5. Prohibited Actions

In general all communication performed with SuperOffice services should be done according to European legislation – ref. clause 2 – Processing of Personal Data, in this Policy.

Customers may not use a service to, nor allow any third-party to use a service to:

  • Generate unsolicited commercial email. Such prohibited activity includes, but is not limited to:

- Sending email to users who do not have opted in according to applicable regulations.

- Selling to, exchanging with, sharing with or distributing to a third party personal information, including the email addresses of any person without such person's knowing and continued consent to such disclosure.

- Sending unsolicited emails to addresses belonging to individuals and/or entities with whom you have no preexisting relationship, formal consent or legal base.

- Sending communications or email in violation of any applicable anti- spam law or regulation. o Imitating or impersonating SuperOffice, another person or his, her or its email address, or creating false accounts for the purpose of sending spam.

- Sending unauthorized email via open, third-party servers.

  • Conduct or forward multi-level marketing, such as pyramid schemes and the like;
  • Generate or facilitate SMS, MMS, or other text messages or push notifications in violation of any applicable law including anti- spam, telemarketing or telephone consumer protection laws or regulations;
  • Use the services in any manner that violates any applicable industry standards, third party policies or requirements that SuperOffice may communicate to its users.
  • Transmit material that may be harmful to minors;
  • Illegally transmit another's intellectual property or other proprietary information without such owner's or licensor's permission;
  • Promote, facilitate or encourage illegal activity;
  • Access (including through any interfaces provided with a service), any SuperOffice product or service, or other service or website, in a manner that violates the terms for use of or access to such service or website;
  • Operate an "open proxy" or any other form of Internet proxy service that is capable of forwarding requests to any end user or third party-supplied Internet host;
  • Perform significant load or security testing without first obtaining SuperOffice’s written consent;
  • Remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices contained in or on the service or reformat or frame any portion of the web pages that are part of the service's administration display;
  • Use a service in any manner that would disparage SuperOffice.

6. Best Practices

Abuse rates

Certain types of content may cause higher-than-average abuse rates. In general, hard bounce rates should be under 5%, and spam complaint rates should be less than 0.1%. For that reason, SuperOffice may review, suspend, throttle, or disable accounts that exceed these rates. The following activities prove to be over-represented among offers that exceed the average rates:

  • Online trading, day trading tips, or stock market related content
  • Daily horoscope reports
  • Mortgages and loans
  • Nutritional, herbal, and vitamin supplements
  • Adult Entertainment/Novelty Items
  • Real estate
  • Services that support programmatically sending mail on behalf of third parties without creating or reviewing the content

Spam and Best Practices

As an email service provider, SuperOffice consider that it is our responsibility to be extra vigilant about preventing spam-related abuse. It’s also in our best interest to keep the system clean, because our reputation and deliverability depend on it. For that reason we provide, and may update from time to time, articles outlining sending best practices. You should only use SuperOffice in accordance with these best practices, and we may suspend or terminate your account if you violate them.

7. Infringement and termination of Service

To the extent a customer uses such services for advertising, sending electronic messages or for the creation and hosting of, or for posting material on external-facing websites, each customer must comply with this Policy and applicable laws and regulations.

If SuperOffice receives a notice alleging that material on a customer’s instance of an External-Facing Service infringes another party’s intellectual property, SuperOffice may disable that customer instance of the External Facing Service or remove allegedly infringing material. If SuperOffice receives more than one such notice for the same customer, SuperOffice reserves the right to immediately terminate such customer’s subscriptions to the External Facing Services as deemed necessary by SuperOffice to ensure continued protection, availability of service and lawful processing of data.

8. Changes to this Policy

SuperOffice may change this Policy by posting an updated version of the Policy at SuperOffice Trust Center and such updates will be effective upon posting. SuperOffice will notify Customers in relevant channels.